September 1, 2007

I want to break free....

“I want to break free” she said, again. “then why don’t you” I wondered. I wondered whether it was love or sheer comfort that was stopping her. I doubted the love part since I doubt she’s even capable of that feeling. She only knew about care and worrying for those she cared. She is cute in her own way. The kinds who get worried everytime they see a speeding car or hear about a bomb blast. The kinds who knows how to “decorate” their house and say just the right things. But there was something not right and she knew it too. Her everyday battle for sanity. Something stuck deep inside was a woman who somehow didn’t want to give in. give in to what society expected from her. A woman who wanted to live, have fun, laugh and do things on her own terms. The eternal confusion between are they right or am I. she’s fun to have around, she laughs at every joke and she makes cute faces. She only spends weekdays with me caz weekends she has for him. I never ask her “how was your weekend”, by now I know how was it.
In a few months from now she’ll be married and they’ll be “happy”. It all be okay once you get married, they’ve told her. Good she heard.

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